While the bike was being serviced, the steering lock key got a little damaged, and ceased to fit the lock. I called the workshop. They said fine, they’d replace my key, but they needed me to bring them the old one to pull the correct serial number off it to order the right new one.
Thus it was that on a misty, foggy morning, I was heading off blindly to sort this out. I do mean blindly, because the mist was fogging everything up – glasses, visor, general visibility. And unlike more usual condensation, mist is not dispelled by movement. It just swirls and resettles and causes further condensation and lack of visibility.
The only remedy other than constantly wiping lenses/ visors is to open the visor, pull the glasses down to the end of your nose and peer over the top of them, like a stereotype of a disapproving librarian.
Also, winter mist is surprisingly penetrative and very cold as it seeps through into your bones. Coffee is the recommended treatment here, preferably served in a cup you can lace your fingers around until you can feel them again.