Back when the weather was overly wintry - even for winter - I finally did something I’ve been toying with for years, and bought a pair of heated gloves - the kind with the battery pack in the cuff.
By the time they arrived, the cold snap that inspired them had passed, of course, and then the bike’s battery died so I didn’t get to trial them in truly winter temperatures. I did manage to do a short test on a bicycle at 4am, and they worked there - but that’s a maximum speed of 20 mph. Luckily wind chill is wind chill, and while the air is starting to acquire the softness of spring, it’s still only February.
I finally managed to try them out on a nice Sunday morning - clear skies, cool air, 60 mph wind chill on the bars.The heating is relatively efficient, but the gloves have my usual problem - if they fit my palms, the fingers are too long, which might make them too impractical for regular use on the bike, which would be a pity. Unless, that is, I can find a way to shorten the fingers without messing up the wiring.