Monday, 3 March 2025


 It’s been a cold winter so far, as well as a wet one. Riding days have been few and far between. When the weather is sufficiently clear and the roads dry enough that going out is not to hazard one’s life on slippery patches, black ice or no visibility through the mist, the air has been frigid enough to stall the engine whenever the revs drop - whether slowing down, changing gear or simply idling. It’s a little disconcerting, especially on roundabouts and hills. The problem is that the fuel recondenses too quickly for ignition as it enters the combustion chamber, and idle boosting additives can only do so much - not enough, it seems, for the air we’ve been having lately. Roll on spring, for all its rain and wind. I’ll take it if it comes with a few more degrees on the thermometer.