Wednesday, 12 September 2012

2-wheels, engine optional

I'm a biker. You know this: it is, after all, the premise of this blog. But I cycle to work, largely as an excuse not to join a gym and because I resent the hell out of rail-fares. And I wonder, as I struggle through the traffic every rush hour about the difference between cyclists and bikers.
There's a freemasonry to bikers. Most bikers are aware of other bikers, and even if we don't greet each other during the week or the commute, we still tend to give each other space, allow each other through.
Cyclists, on the other hand, are about as ego-centric a bunch of narcissists as you could ever hope to avoid. They cut each other up, they push each other out of the way - and this isn't competitive cycling. this is (mamil) road-rage in the daily commute.
Breathe, people. No, seriously. Breathe. There are no medals up for grabs today.
Maybe it's because bikers are seen as more intimidating and formidable with loud pipes, black leather and potentially dangerous affiliations, and cyclists are seen as somewhat more squashable, at least by anything on 4 wheels. Maybe that's why bikers tend to be more accepting of other bikers than cyclists are of other bicycles. But still - could you lot on bicycles please grow up?

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