Tuesday, 23 June 2015

Mise en Scene

The rally itself was very quiet, and lacked much in the way of attendees or traders. I did manage to buy myself a helmet which pretty much took care of my shopping list. 
There is no way I will go to a bike rally and not ride, even if it's as a pillion. 
So after spending Friday afternoon at the rally, shopping and browsing (2 very different activities) and siestas and eating and listening to various bands performing their hearts out for tiny audiences (and trying not to feel extremely bad for them), we opted for a group ride on Saturday.
On Saturday afternoon (Friday night was pretty late), we went for a ride down the coast a bit. 5 bikes, 3 satnavs and me riding pillion and paying more attention to the scenery than the direction, which is a good thing, because I find the south western edge of Europe geographically confusing. There are so many plants that I know from childhood and associate with Africa (probably mistakenly).  There are birds whose calls and feathers I know: storks and hoopoes.
There are also the low hills, with sparse bushes dotted about that my mind persists in naming koppies, and barbed wire, razor wire and sun-peeled paint in evidence. The curvy stonework on arches and buildings makes me think of Cape Dutch houses. The run-down parts of south west Europe remind me of home.

If it wasn't for the general cleanliness, the road-signs and the fact that they drive on the right, I’d find it even more disorienting. 

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