For some time, I've been tossing around the idea of changing bikes. To be precise, ever since I did the new model test rides in Cascais, I've been tempted to trade my faithful Sportster in for a new model - ideally a Softail Slim.
On Saturday, on a lovely spring morning, I bit the bullet, and headed off to the Guildford dealership (where there is a man who has been trying to sell me a new bike for at least 10 years. I thought I'd help him finally achieve this ambition).
I spent some week nights digging out such items as the manual, the DVLA documents, the original grips, the full size number plate for passing MOTs*....
As is always the way with such things, my baby ran beautifully all the way there. I took the scenic route, too. (Because I know the scenic route. I'm less sure about the signposting on the straightforward route).
Once there, I spent some hours talking money and mileage and extras and details, and ultimately left nominal owner of a new bike, and no longer with the keys to the original. A clean break was easier.
*There is a weird almost loophole in the law here: there are specifications about the font, colours and layout, and spacing around letters, but no actual overall dimensions for numberplate on the DVLA website. I checked. So its usual plate might be legal, or nearly so. Using the definitely legal plates, however, would foul the back-rack and any straps attaching stuff to it.
On the way back from trading in my bike, I lost my voice. I'm hoping the voicelessness won't last as long as the bikelessness...