Wednesday, 1 November 2017


So after a few storms knocking around during the week, Sunday dawned crisp and clear and chilly, and I layered up and headed out. 
The wind was what's best called fitful - coming in fits and starts, gusts only, but gusting like a toddler tantrum - full force. 
Now, I've had my bike for long enough to have got used to not having a screen to split the headwind and channel it past my chest and head. (I can't say I've noticed a decrease in dead bugs on my visor, whatever everyone else is reporting). 
I can handle the full headwind now, and while it's tiring sometimes, it's also predictable and controllable (insofar as it's related to my speed). A gusting wind, though, buffets bike and rider unpredictably, and generally tries to push you either off the road or into the truck next to you. 
It also tends to find any tiny gap or crack in your clothing and twist itself through to chill any part it can reach - up cuffs, through vents and seams, between the teeth of zips.
All of which is, I guess, precisely why we invented the Coffee Stop. 


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