Tuesday, 20 December 2022


I propose a new Michelin guide for bikers. Not to restaurants, but to the weather. In other words, how many layers do I need to wear - and how like the Michelin man do I need to look in order to ride without incurring frostbite. 

We’ve had an unseasonable, unreasonable cold snap and therefore, I’ve needed to take the bike out more than usual as batteries are NOT fans of freezing weather. 

This has involved at least three layers - and those either fleece-lined or thermal (or both) between bare skin and the world. And ten miles later, I still can’t feel my hands. 

Which is where coffee stops come into their own, although not as frequently as I’d like, because then there would be insufficient mileage between stops for the battery to recharge, especially as it struggles to idle properly in negative degree weather.

And coffee stops - any stops - involve a lengthy process of delayering before cups can be manipulated with any degree of success. 

So: a Michelin guide to the weather - from perfectly human to perfectly resembling the Michelin man. 

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