Monday 22 July 2024


 I wandered out to the Pheasant at Buckland this week, during a gap in the rain. Alas, not a gap in the roadworks which currently haunt the A243, the A24 and the A25. ‘Tis the season. 

The Pheasant has a lovely garden, half of which is comprehensively covered against the possibility (probability?) of rain. They also do a really nice vegan beetroot tartlet, which makes a lovely lunch. Plus they serve flapjackesque bites with coffee. Bonus brownie (flapjack) points to anyone who gives me a little baby sweet treat with my coffee. 

I took a different route home, which involved fewer roadworks but more traffic. Swings and roundabouts, I guess, but the B2032 and the B2033 are fun roads for a biker on a dry summer day.

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